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  • Hsu, W. L.; Inglis, D. W.; Goldys, E. M.; Dunstan, D. E.; Davidson, M. R.; Harvie, D. J. E., “Isoelectric Focusing in a Silica Nanofluidic Channel: Effects of Electromigration and Electroosmosis”, Anal. Chem. 201486, 8711 - 8718.

  • Hsu, W. L.; Harvie, D. J. E.; Davidson, M. R.; Dunstan, D. E.; Jeong, H.; Goldys, E. M.; Inglis, D. W., “Simultaneous Concentration Gradient Protein Focusing and Separation in a Silica Nanofluidic Channel”, Lab Chip 2014, 14 (18), 3539 - 3549.

  • Hsu, W. L.; Inglis, D. W.; Jeong, H.; Dunstan, D. E.; Davidson, M. R.; Goldys, E. M.; Harvie, D. J. E., “Stationary Chemical Gradients for Concentration Gradient-Based Separation and Focusing in Nanofluidic Channels”, Langmuir 2014, 30 (18), 5337 - 5348.


  • Hsu, W. L.; Startsev, M. A.; Inglis, D. W.; Goldys, E. M.; Davidson, M. R.; Harvie, D. J. E., “DNA Focusing in Nanofluidic Channels”, 17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Freiburg, Germany, 2013, 766 - 768. 


  • Liu, K. L.; Hsu, J. P.; Hsu, W. L.; Yeh, L. H., “Diffusiophoresis of a polyelectrolyte in a salt concentration gradient”, Electrophoresis 2012, 33, 1068 - 1078.


  • Hsu, W. L.; Hsu, J. P.; Tseng, S., “Diffusiophoresis of a Soft Particle along the Axis of a Cylindrical Microchannel”, Chem. Eng. Sci. 2011, 66, 2199 - 2210.


  • Hsu, J. P.; Liu, K. L.; Hsu, W. L.; Yeh, L. H.; Tseng, S., “Diffusiophoresis of a Soft Sphere Normal to Two Parallel Disks”, Langmuir 2010, 26(20), 16037 - 16047.

  • Hsu, J. P.; Luu, X. C.; Hsu, W. L., “Diffusiophoresis of an Ellipsoid along the Axis of a Cylindrical Pore”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 8043 - 8055.

  • Hsu, J. P.; Hsu, W. L.; Liu, K. L., “Diffusiophoresis of a Charge-Regulated Sphere along the Axis of an Uncharged Cylindrical Pore”, Langmuir 2010, 26, 8648 - 8658.

  • Hsu, J. P.; Liu, K. L.; Hsu, W. L.; Yeh, L. H., “Diffusiophoresis of a Charge-Regulated Spherical Particle Normal to Two Parallel Disks”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 2766 - 2778.

  • Hsu, J. P.; Hsu, W. L.; Ku, M. H.; Chen, Z. S.; Tseng, S., “Diffusiophoresis of a Sphere along the Axis of a Cylindrical Pore”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2010, 342, 598 - 606.


  • Zhang, X.; Hsu, W. L.; Hsu, J. P.; Tseng, S., “Diffusiophoresis of a Soft Particle in a Spherical Cavity”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 8646 - 8656.

  • Hsu, J. P.; Hsu, W. L.; Chen, Z. S., “Boundary Effect on Diffusiophoresis: Spherical Particle in a Spherical Cavity”, Langmuir 2009, 25, 1772 - 1784.

  • Hsu, W. L.; Lin, M. J.; Hsu, J. P., “Dissolution of Solid Particles in Liquids: A Shrinking Core Model”, Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2009, 41, 913 - 918.



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